Monday, January 21, 2013

Tiny Stories

Alfred was blind. All of the other giraffes made fun of him. Little did they know, Alfred was a professional dub step break dancer.
 Willie the fish had a small tail. All of the other gold fish made fun of him. Little did they know, Willie was a professional opera singer.
 Braden Slice had mold growing on him. All the other bread slices in the loaf made fun of him.
Little did they know, he could play guitar solos.
Peter the parasurolophus was large in size. All of the other dinosaurs made fun of him. Little did they know, peter invented the art of quilting.
Henry the alien had a large head. All of the other Aliens made fun of him. Little did they know, Henry could grill the best tasting steak in the galaxy.

Creative Statement
The inspiration to make these stories originally came form two different sources. Last week I was spending much time with a girl that I liked; however, I eventually decided not to persue her anymore. I have decided that one good thing that came out of this experience was it allowed me to receive inspiration for my tiny stories. In her apartment, she has a gold fish that has a huge clumpy head and a small tail. The fish seemed coherent and functional, it just looked really funny. When I was reminded of this assignment, this gold fish was the first inspiration that came to my mind. My secondary source of inspiration comes from doing cleaning checks last week. As I was cleaning up the kitchen, I came across a loaf of bread that had a couple of moldy slices. Annie Dillards short story "Seeing", helped me develop a mentality to notice the small thing in life. In her story she says, "It's all a matter of keeping my eyes open...Im always on the lookout for antlion traps in sandy soil, monarch pupae near milkweed, skipper larvae in locust leaves.". Annie seemed to notice various random simple things in her everyday life. The awkward looking fish and the moldy bread slices were small and are generally considered to be insignificant; however they inspired me to write a series of stories about objects(living and non living) that have some sort of physical quirk and the other similar subjects make fun of them. In the beginning, this was what I was going to write about. However, I felt the theme would be to tease  people that are different. So i added another element to each story. Each subject would secretly have an amazing talent or hobby that nobody knows about. This changed the theme to never judge someone based on their appearance. To make the story comedic and interesting, I gave each character an obscure hobby or talent.

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